Tales From the Road

Another travelling book written by local author, Suluh Pratitasari also known as matatita. This book is a journal of the author journey from Jogjakarta to Nepal. It reminds me of other travelling book written by Trinity "The Naked Traveler".

Both books are interesting with their own way, one of the differences is the way they tell the stories, if Trinity tells more about her journey in many countries, matatita describes more about culture and local people, perhaps because her background is an anthropologist, therefore we find a lot of info on Dayak people, Asmat culture, and even Jogja with its people and culture as the author hometown.

Reading traveling book always make me adding my wishlist with a new destination to visit for next holiday.


kiky August 24, 2009 at 7:13 PM  

Doh, tiap mampir sini minder dhe. Sempet bener baca buku...snif snif...
Aku dah baca tuh Shawilli for the broken heart tku to you, gue cari di times Karawachi..:)

riana August 25, 2009 at 3:27 PM  

@ Kiky, belum bisa jalan2 jauh, nunggu anak2 besar, jd sekarang baca buku travelling dulu deh, jln2nya nyusul..:))

akhirnya dpt jg buku Peter Moore-nya yah? Sampe jg ke Karawaci....