The Racketeer

Title: The Racketeer
Author: John Grisham
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
Paperback. 2013
387 pages

John Grisham used to be my favorite author. In the old days especially during my days in law school reading his works was a must. I enjoyed every single moments of reading his works moreover I think he's one of the reasons why I wanted to be a lawyer.  However when I graduated and experienced how to be a lawyer myself (and found out that the reality was not that exciting), I just stopped reading his books and felt that they were not very engaging anymore.

After so many years, out of the blue when I visited a bookshop I suddenly wanted to get into Grisham's work again. I guess this is also related to my teaching subject since I teach Legal Studies therefore I need to get new insights about all legal issues and share them with my students. 

In The Racketeer (racketeer means one who obtains money illegally, as by fraud, extortion, etc.), Grisham narrated his story through the protagonist Malcolm Bannister, an African American lawyer who finds himself unexpectedly in a legal trouble due to FBI set up. When judge Raymond Fawcett is found dead and the police have  no witnesses, no fingerprints, no evidence, Bannister knows this is his ticket to freedom and revenge. The story then continues and shows how Bannister leads his pursuers on a long and winding chase. 

Tell you what it turns out that I enjoyed this book. All in all I found it's definitely insightful in its description of the legal and penal system. Besides its enigmatic puzzle of the plot and how it's twisted are absolutely awesome. Perhaps after you stay away from something for a certain period then you will miss it and finally you're able to enjoy it again.