This 365-day-project is finally completed. Yesterday, book of Profesi Hukum Itu Asyik! was officially launched at Faculty of Law UI, Depok.
We invited several high schools in Jakarta and Depok, and also law students who are still 'galau' in deciding their future career to attend the launching.
Since the duration is limited so I only chosed 6 (six) contributors (including me) from total 36 to represent these 25 legal profession. Those contributors consist of a supreme court judge, a diplomat, an in-house-lawyer at KPK, a head hunter, a lecturer and me as a lawyer a.k.a editor a.k.a pekerja serabutan.
I am so touched to see how enthusiastic these highschoolers in asking the questions regarding their future careers. Some of the questions are so deep, these kids zaman now are really awesome.
Some of the questions asked, such as:
1. How did you feel when you decide a death penalty to the defendant?
2. If I want to be a diplomat, where should I study, at Faculty of Law or FISIP?
3. Referring to inhouse-lawyer at KPK, you said it's very hard to work at KPK, full of pressure and terror, but how come did you work there for more than 10 years?
4. If I want to go to law school however I also want to have my own business, which career path should I choose?
See...these millennials never stop amaze me.
There will be another book launching on 2 November at Gunung Agung Senayan City at 2pm -4 pm. Be there!!!