Sebelas Patriot

"Jika ada hal lain yang sangat menakjubkan di dunia ini
selain cinta, adalah sepakbola."

--Andrea Hirata

The 7th novel of Andrea Hirata. A story about football. A love among a son, a father and football and how they interact with each other. Still telling about Ikal, this time he tells about his father and just found out that his father was actually a great football player when he was young. Inspiring by his father's story, Ikal finally tries his best to follow his dream in becoming a football player.

Just a very thin novel only 101 pages but completed with 3 songs about football. I finished it within one hour. My suggestion is if you want to enjoy this book, do not compare it to Laskar Pelangi tetralogy. This one is just a simple book about something that the author love most. The football.


kiky July 30, 2011 at 12:20 PM  

kalo buku ku dapat tanda tangan pengarangnya...:))
berasa penulis beken gue bow, sabtu lalu diundang ultah mizan plus launching beberapa novel (termasuk 11 patriot ini) sama soft launching film anak2x semesta menikung

riana August 1, 2011 at 12:55 PM  

@kiky: ikutan seneng bisa temenan sama penulis beken, hehe...btw buku 11 Patriot ini sederhana banget, agak kecewa jg, seharusnya Andrea Hirata bisa menulis dg lebih 'greget'..:(