The Road

A gloomy story about a father and his young son walk along America that already burnt into pieces, written by Cormac McCarthy. They go slowly to the seashore. There's nothing move in this totally destroyed area. Only dust and the blowing wind.

They have nothing but a gun to defend themselves from bad guys, their only clothes on their bodies, a trolley full of remaining food and themselves.

I don't know the period of this occasion and also the cause of this terrible catastrophe. The writer not mention it. He just described America in its worst condition. People kill each other to defend themselves. No life. Nothing at all.

The writer wrote the story in a very detail way, so you could feel their despair, their sorrow and feel sorry for their miserable life.

This book is winner of Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2007 and already adapted into a movie, planned to be launched on October 2009.

PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama have translated it into Bahasa Indonesia, it's a good translation though by Sonya Sondakh and beautifully edited by Sapardi Djoko Damono.


echy May 19, 2009 at 7:29 PM  

aku baca buku ini tahun lalu, suram banget ya..tapi satu yang paling kubenci.. tidak ada bab, tidak ada pembatas sama sekali...aku desperated deh bacanya..

najlazea May 20, 2009 at 8:12 AM  

bener chy, aku juga jadi ngerasa 'gloomy' banget baca buku ini, hebat ya...writernya bisa bikin kita begitu involved-nya sama cerita di buku ini & berakhir dengan ngerasa ga enak seharian...

ps: mana review barunya? jangan kelamaan istirahatnya, hehe...