Author: David Gilmour
Translator: P. Herdian Cahya Khrisna
Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Published Date: 2011
Pages: 275
Translator: P. Herdian Cahya Khrisna
Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Published Date: 2011
Pages: 275
.....sebagaimana yang sering dialami orangtua dan anak-anaknya. Kita beranggapan kitalah yang paling mengenal mereka, setelah bertahun-tahun naik turun tangga untuk menidurkan mereka, merasa sedih, gembira, lega, cemas--tetapi ternyata tidak. Ternyata mereka selalu saja punya sesuatu dalam diri mereka yang belum pernah kita bayangkan.
We learn from everything. School is not the only place to learn. Even movies can teach us life.
David Gilmour is definitely not a conventional father. When he found out that his fifteen-year-old boy, Jesse, was leaving school, getting in trouble and finally failing at school, he suddenly came out with an unusual arrangement between a father and a son. There are two rules in the arrangement: no drugs involved and the obligation to watch three movies a week of his father's choice. Yes, Jesse does not have to go to school anymore but he will learn from the movies he watched.
Over the next three years, Gilmour and his son watched and discussed films as wide-ranging from Breakfast at Tifanny's to Clint Eatswood movies. As a film critic, Gilmour is a perfect person in analyzing the movies.
But this book is not a catalog of film recommendations. In fact the author uses the films to explore and to understand each of them. Looking at Gilmour's decision and Jesse's actions, it's obvious how both of them grow. The growth in their relationship and the love they share for each other. Although life does not always turn up the way they plan but they can make it.
When this story was started, Gilmour was out of work. With his age at that time, it's difficult to get a new job. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Gilmour focused on his son and cared very much about what happened to him. Take an example when his son had troubles with girls, drinking and drugs, Gilmour never put the blame on him. He deals with all that hard stuffs. No wonder he finally becomes the hero for his son. The best father ever.
This memoir has been translated into 24 languages. Beside its great stories, it also leaves me with a list of movies to watch. Gilmour made me curious to see some movies I didn't know but mentioned beautifully in the memoir. A must read especially for parents. Unconventional life, some interesting choices.
Over the next three years, Gilmour and his son watched and discussed films as wide-ranging from Breakfast at Tifanny's to Clint Eatswood movies. As a film critic, Gilmour is a perfect person in analyzing the movies.
But this book is not a catalog of film recommendations. In fact the author uses the films to explore and to understand each of them. Looking at Gilmour's decision and Jesse's actions, it's obvious how both of them grow. The growth in their relationship and the love they share for each other. Although life does not always turn up the way they plan but they can make it.
When this story was started, Gilmour was out of work. With his age at that time, it's difficult to get a new job. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Gilmour focused on his son and cared very much about what happened to him. Take an example when his son had troubles with girls, drinking and drugs, Gilmour never put the blame on him. He deals with all that hard stuffs. No wonder he finally becomes the hero for his son. The best father ever.
This memoir has been translated into 24 languages. Beside its great stories, it also leaves me with a list of movies to watch. Gilmour made me curious to see some movies I didn't know but mentioned beautifully in the memoir. A must read especially for parents. Unconventional life, some interesting choices.
ulasan buku ini rata2 emang 5 bintang :) jadi pengen baca. thanks ya Riana udah mengulasnya juga
@hani: mungkin karena cara mendidik anaknya berbeda & akhirnya berhasil, bikin perasaan yg baca ikut teraduk2, hehe..iya buku ini a must-read, thanks udah mampir:)
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