One thing that I love most about our home is its fertile land. It seems that every time we spread some seeds almost all of them grows beautifully. Of course there were times when the seeds didn't want to cooperate and refuse to grow in our yard but it's very rare:)
I remember one time our mango tree had soooo... many fruits until the tree itself couldn't handle it and it fell down to the ground with a 'bukkk...' sound and it also caused mango flood all over our yard. But it's also a sad moment, we had to cut the mango tree and said good bye. I finally change the mango tree with a sugar-apple (srikaya) tree, it grows well but up until now it still has no fruit yet:(
Several weeks ago I noticed that our mangosteen tree and rose-apple (jambu) tree started flowering. Unfortunately due to heavy rain every afternoon, lots of the mangosteen flowers fell down and only some of them survived. But thank God, we still have our jambu tree. Jambu tree's flowers seem stronger. Now the tree is standing there in front of our yard, ready for harvest time, yayy....
wahh. asyik banget.. buat rujakan :)
@ferina: iyaaaa... *sambil berdoa semoga pohon jambunya ga rubuh karena keberatan beban* :D
di depan kantor yg dulu juga ada pohon jambu. suka liat warna pink-nya :p
@alaya: pohon yg penuh buah ternyata cantik yaaa..kadang lebih suka lihat buah2 yg bergelantungan drpd makannya:)
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