Title: Ken & Kaskus, Cerita Sukses di Usia Muda
Author: Alberthiene Endah
Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Publication Date: June 2013
Pages: 301
Are you familiar with the term Agan, Aganwati, Pertamax, or Mimin? Yes, those are some words that mostly used by kaskuser, members of kaskus, the largest Indonesian community. Started in 1999 in Seattle, US by Andrew Darwis. At first Kaskus was just Andrew's school assignment and now it turns out to be a giant community with high creativity and powerful sense of belonging among the members.
Rome was not built within a day. It also happens for Kaskus. This book will tell about the struggle of two young men who believe in their intuition and have courage to pursue their dreams. Narrated from Ken Dean Lawadinata's point of view, one of the person behind Kaskus, we will experience one of a very inspiring memoirs. We will learn from their failure, their fear, their argument, their confidence, and the like. How they scratched from nothing and finally in 2011 Global Digital Ventra, a subsidiary of Djarum, agreed to have big investment in Kaskus. And how they at last can have their dream office at Menara Palma, Kuningan, Jakarta. One of the unique and very comfortable offices ever.
There are lots of thing to learn from Ken's life, how he turned himself from a very critical student at school and often got many problems with the teachers and now becoming one of the youngest CEOs. Other thing to note is how decisive he was in deciding to leave his study in Seattle and followed his passion in developing Kaskus. I also salute Ken's parents for their trust upon their son even the father lent a big amount of money to Ken so he could invest in Kaskus.
Now Kaskus is becoming an epic. It has 6 millions members, high traffic with 30 millions visits each day. Such a wow...A very recommended book. Inspiring.