Holiday Reading

Still on holiday mood, instead of getting headache looking at messy home, mountainous dirty laundry, high cholesterol, more weight, thinner wallet, etc, haha...common problems post Eid holiday, I tried to concentrate on reading. I finished these three local books, all are awesome, I really had good time with them. The memoir of the great one, Ken Lawadinata (big boss of Kaskus), a very touching novel with a very long title Surat Panjang Tentang Jarak Kita Yang Jutaan Tahun Cahaya written beatifully by Dewi Kharisma Michellia and the last one is a short stories collection of A.S. Laksana, one of the best Indonesia writers, Murjangkung, cinta yang dungu dan hantu-hantu.

I decided to put aside Dan Brown's latest work Inferno during this holiday since the book is so thick and heavy, definitely not a friendly book to be with. Not sure when I will finish this Inferno. Hopefully still this year since I am always easily distracted by new books and forget about the old ones:))