Book Launching: Profesi Hukum Itu Asyik! #3

"Budaya literasi masyarakat Indonesia nomor 2 terbelakang di dunia, urutan ke 60 dari 61 negara.

Indeks minat baca di Indonesia hanya 0,001 artinya dari 1000 penduduk hanya 1 orang yang memiliki minat baca.

Namun Indonesia negara nomor 5 tercerewet di twitter, 15 tweet per detik, 7 juta tweet/hari."

--Kang Maman, the conceptor of Indonesia Lawak Club (ILK) and Ambassador of Literacy 

Alhamdulillah, another book launching of Profesi Hukum Itu Asyik! was successfully held at Gunung Agung, Senayan City last Thursday, 2 November 2017. I invited 6 (six) contributors including me as the editor to represent 25 legal professions and share our working experiences with the audiences.  

I am so grateful that lots of people welcome this book in a very nice way and they told me that they're inspired by this book. Even some of my friends said that a book like Profesi Hukum Itu Asyik! that lists down and elaborates 25 professions that someone with legal background may embrace should be made at every faculty so all the graduates will have the ideas about the works that may suitable for them in the future.  

There are many people who have already been so supportive in making this book possible. I am forever grateful. This book is just a beginning. We need to keep going. It's our job to socialize and share this professions to the highschoolers all over Indonesia and even abroad. My friends and I are in the process to arrange our schedule to visit high schools in Indonesia, mostly East Indonesia that is still left behind comparing to their brother and sisters in Java Island.  Finger crossed.