Andy's Corner

"....ada banyak bibit di dalam diri manusia.
Ada bibit kebodohan, keserakahan, kemarahan, iri hati, dendam.
Ada juga bibit kesabaran, kasih sayang, cinta, memaafkan, persahabatan.
Pertanyaan berikutnya, bibit-bibit mana yang kita sirami setiap harinya?"

(Gede Prama)

This book is so...touchy. A lot of great stories and quotes spread all over it. There are 22 stories written by Andy F. Noya, the host of Kick Andy show.

From the stories here, I found out about Andy's life, as a broken home child, his childhood, his struggle in life, his thoughts and all other things that at last make me cried and laughed.

After reading this book, I got a picture of what kind of person he is, a very general description off course, since I don't know Andy personally. I learned a lot from Andy 's life. Why he is so humble, so positive in everything he does. I conclude it all comes from his life experiences. His life experiences are so rich.

From 22 stories here, my favorite is "Lentera Jiwa", talking about a person with his job. If you love your job, it means you do it not as an obligation but simply because you love it, then congrats, you have found your Lentera Jiwa. The story really hits me. Yeah, I'm still looking for my Lentera Jiwa.

I've read somewhere a quote says: "Find a job that you love, then you don't have to work for the rest of your life."

Berbahagialah mereka yang menikmati pekerjaannya
Berbahagialah mereka yang sudah mencapai taraf bekerja adalah berekreasi
Sebab mereka sudah menemukan lentera jiwa mereka

(Andy F. Noya)