Najla vs Her Grandma

My home is nearby my parents' home, yep, that's simply my strategy as a 9-to-5 worker, in case my girls are sick or something happens with the nanny, I can ask my parents to take care of them, I know it's not a good thing to do though, but still I have to admit that I am lucky..:D

Therefore, my parents regularly visit our home and have some chitchat with their granddaughters. A Couple days a go, my mom a.k.a Najla's grandma came to our home. I was still in the office. Grandma, Najla and Nayzea played happily. Out of the blue, Najla did something wrong and her grandma advised her not to do that again. Najla got upset about it, she cried and finally said, "Nenek, pulang aja, nenek nggak usah kerja di sini lagi. Her Grandma was left speechless, couldn't believe that she just being fired by her dear granddaughter...:)


Hani December 9, 2009 at 10:07 AM  

anak2 emang unik :)

riana December 9, 2009 at 1:57 PM  

@ Hani: bener mbak, seringkali bikin kita speechless...:D