Hard-Boiled Wonderland & the End of the World

I mostly fall in love with Haruki Murakami's works, particularly when he writes about love and relationship, it's always so simple, different and touchy. I didn't find those kind of things in this book. This book tells about weird things, so weird until I couldn't imagine it, it's just beyond my imagination and I knew that Murakami is a master in all these things.

You'll find a lot of bizarre characters here, there's a split-brained data processor, a crazy professor who believes that the world is going to end, a dream reader, a strange town that needs people to leave their shadows if they want to enter it, the beasts, the monsters, and the list of these strange characters will go on and on since this story really needs your big imagination if you want to enjoy it.

Well..it's not going to be an easy reading book though, but it's still worth to read since I guess this book is really a delicious mind food.


kiky December 9, 2009 at 3:03 AM  

Giling! Itu si dragon tatoo aja gw belum kelar bacanya...clckckkcc...
'Delicious food for mind' hmmm....pengen tau...

riana December 9, 2009 at 8:29 AM  

@ Kiky: Masak sihhhh? Dragon Tatoo termasuk buku yg aku baca dg amat cepat saking penasarannya..:)

Ayo coba baca Murakami, pasti jatuh cinta.

Hani December 9, 2009 at 10:05 AM  

jadi saya bakal dipinjemin buku Murakami yang mana nih ;)

riana December 9, 2009 at 2:02 PM  

@ Hani: hmm...utk mbak hani cocoknya baca Sputnik Sweetheart kali ya, a simple romance, ayo...kapan ke Jkt or saya aja yg ke Lombok??? *pengen jln2 mode on*....:p

alaya December 17, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

buku ini udah sempet baca tapi kayaknya ga pernah selesai deh :p

setelah baca review ini kayaknya beneran hrs diselesaian...

riana December 18, 2009 at 6:52 PM  

@ Alaya: Utk menyelesaikan buku ini memang butuh kemauan ekstra..:D