Wooohooo...new year is coming to town. It's time to list down my favorite books in 2010. While arranging the books list I bumped into tons of books that have not been read yet. Some of them are even still wrapped in plastic *sigh*. Yep..the urge of buying new books sometimes (or should I say 'very often') is just so unbearable *excuse*. No wonder that I keep buying books although I realize that at home I still have a lot of books to read.
If in the old time I used to read one book until finished and not reading a new one before it reached the ending, but not now. Currently I adopt my hubby's habit which is reading this book a little and before finishing it, I have already chosen another book, until I finally realize that I read 4-5 books in the same period. Since I am not young anymore, once in a while I find myself not remembering the content of the book and need to reread the book from the beginning. Uhm...perhaps that's one of the cause that slow my reading ability or again...another confession, the older you are, the slower you read:)
December Books
Posted by
Tjut Riana
Friday, December 24, 2010
Labels: books
hehehe.. ternyata *penyakit*nya sama. suka gak nyadar kalo banyak buku yang belum dibuka plastiknya, tapi udah beli lagi.
anyway, buku ke-empat dari atas apa ya?
waa.. kayanya penyakitnya itu udah merajalela kemana-mana yaa.. aku juga gitu, tiap liat buku bagus pasti pengen beli,, ngga inget bahwa punya setumpuk buku yang nunggu giliran di rumah,,
btw, bukanyya lebih efektif mba kalau baca bukunya satu persatu? jadinya ngga perlu ngulang-ngulang baca lagi..... IMHO sih.. :)
@ferina, buku ke 4 dari atas itu "The Homecoming" by Shashi Warrier, kisah tentang keluarga Kashmir, diterbitkan oleh penerbit Lentera Hati, belum sempet baca, ini buku hasil hunting di gramed GI kemarin.
@sapi, waduhhhh...ternyata byk pengidap penyakit ini ya, hehe...iya seharusnya baca buku satu2 tp krn sering tergoda pada buku baru yg baru dibeli, jadilah langsung baca buku baru & melupakan buku lama *bad habit* :p
hihi, samapun, aku selalu baca buku minimal dua buku bebarengan, mbaaak... seringnya sih tiga.... gak efektif sih, tapi aku senang tiap mau baca cap cip cup mana yg mau dibaca. Happy! :P
@icha: wow...ide cap cip cup ini menarik banget cha, boleh nih dipraktekkan segera, hehe...
i don't read as much as i did before too :(
but it's good to have a pile of books waiting for you..
huahahaha, ternyata kalap juga ya waktu ada diskon gede2an di Gramed GI.
Duh, saya juga banyak tuh daftar dosa, banyak buku yg masih diplastikkin.
@alaya: it's normal for a pregnant woman to read less *excuse*.. I remembered my last pregnancy, about 4 yrs a go, I felt sooooo lazy to read..:)
@Indah: Tosss ah..tambah lagi anggota klub mari membeli buku sekarang, bacanya nanti2 aja, hehe..
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