Ada bermacam-macam cara orang menikmati perjalanan. Ada yang mengejar target untuk mengunjungi semua negara yang ada di muka bumi. Setiap cap yang melekat di paspor adalah lambang kebanggaan.
Ada pula penikmat dunia yang melangkah perlahan-lahan. Menghabiskan waktu bertahun-tahun di setiap tempat yang dikunjungi, mempelajari saripati kehidupan dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat yang ditemui.
I guess I am addicted to Agustinus Wibowo's travel writing. After enjoying his first travelogue Selimut Debu, this time I can stop reading his story when he happened to visit Central Asian Countries.
After visiting Afghanistan, he found out that Afghanistan villagers were curious about life across the river. Everyday they stare at the cars there without knowing how it feels to ride a car (they are only familiar with horses and donkeys) and the luxurious houses while they live in a slum area. They have a fantasy about a great life in the countries across the river. The Stans countries.
This fantasy that finally brought the writer to head to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan (The Stans). This journey will reveal what has happened after these Stan countries dissolved from Soviet Union and declared themselves as independent countries. Is life getting better? Which one do they prefer the old countries or the new one? Every page of this book will give you new insights. New secret that you have never imagined before.
This is not only an ordinary travel book, this is a world-class-anthropologist- travel writing. Every fact is described in detail. It gives a rich insight. It also gives a lot of things to ponder. To contemplate. What is the meaning of borderline?
A highly recommended book. You will feel touched when reading how a very poor guy in Tajikistan tried his best to welcome his guests. They respect the travelers. They asked for nothing. It's just their pure hearts. One of the best travelogue EVER. Great stories with breathtaking pictures.
Garis Batas
Posted by
Tjut Riana
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Labels: books
pilihan tujuan traveling-nya beda sama yang lain.
mungkin gak kepikiran kali bakal jalan2 ke Afghanistan... dan segala yang berakhiran 'tan'.. hehehe...
@ferina: iya, itu yg bikin buku ini menarik, beda dg byk buku traveling yg sekarang 'menyerbu' toko buku :)
krn pingin bgt keliling dunia, jd seneng buku2 spt ini. seneng nonton 'Dont tell my mother' yg pergi ke tempat2 unik dgn kisah2 yg beda.
btw, klo buku ini masuk daftar clearance sale, sya booking ya mba. hihihi..
@mb Yana: hehe...wah...nampaknya buku ini masuk Collector's Item, ga akan dijual, mbak :(
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