Proposing Day

This was a story left from year 2008. My sister’s boyfriend proposed her on December 28, 2008 and my sister abruptly asked me to find a baker and ordered some cakes for her boyfriend’s family. Oh…no, it’s near year end, almost all bakers already went on vacation, otherwise they were already fully booked till new year.

After browsing here and there, finally I remembered Ingkan who recommended me to contact her favorite baker, mbak Dewi. Fortunately, mbak Dewi was still available to receive cake order. Yippie….I directly ordered cupcakes and fruit pie. Well…at last, we got great cakes to be delivered to my sis boyfriend’s family. Thank you, mbak Dewi.

Thank God, finally that important moment, the proposing day could be run smoothly. Thanks a lot to everybody who helped us and made it happen. Thank you.