Diary of A Wimpy Kid

Curious about this book at the moment I saw it at Periplus. The title is so catchy "Diary of Wimpy Kid (A Novel in Cartoon)". Jeff Kinney, the author wrote it in a journal form completed with cute drawing. It's so hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.

The book tells about Greg Heffley's journal. Gregg is a middle school student. This journal tells about Greg's daily life, his family, his friends, his school, all told in a very funny way from a boy's perspective. Sometimes naive, yet naughty.

This Wimpy Kid series consist of 3 books, I've read the first one, already bought the second one (Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules) and ready to grab the third one (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 : The Last Straw). Can't wait to complete the whole series.

I enjoy this book a lot. Releasing my stress. So funny...funny....funny. Remind me of Bart Simpson. Get one immediately and I bet it will brighten your day.


echy April 12, 2009 at 11:13 PM  

awwww...mataku langsung loncat keluar liat buku ini..*lebay*

hi..apa kabar, mama najla? baru mampir lagi nih..jarang update akhir2 ini..hehe, apalagi tulis review.

najlazea April 14, 2009 at 7:36 AM  

Hai....Echy, kabar baik jeng, kemana aja? Tiap buka blognya kok msh Anne of Green Gables? Sibuk rias pengantin or main Face Book nih? Hehe nuduh...

Iya Wimpy Kid ini oke banget, aku cari buku ke 3 nya abis dimana2.

Ayo...nulis lagi,banyak buku bagus lho, ditunggu reviewnya!!!!

echy April 15, 2009 at 8:51 AM  

hihi, baca sih jalan terus...ngereview-nya ituu...*tepok jidat*

aku lagi baca ulang beberapa buku roald dahl buat dibaca bareng ananta (si bungsu) eh..udah baca "the book thief" ? keren loh.. baca buku itu aku jadi ingat "the boy with stripes pyjamas"

kayaknya dirimu pasti suka deh..
btw, aku ngincer yg murakami tuh..yg sputnik sweetheart.

salam hangat,


najlazea April 15, 2009 at 10:05 AM  


I believe your recommendation, ntar aku ke gramed deh cari "The Book Thief" , asal bukan buku fantasy aku pasti suka.

"Sputnik Sweetheart" bagus banget, smpe skrng msh kepikiran.

tjut riana aka mama najla

echy May 19, 2009 at 7:41 PM  

hi riana, diary of wimpy kid diterjemahin ama little serambi..*senangnya*
diterjemahin jadi "diary si bocah tengil" hahahahh...

najlazea May 20, 2009 at 8:21 AM  

Echy, iya, aku denger versi Ind-nya udah ada, moga2 translationnya bagus, lucu & tengilnya 'dapet'. btw, akhirnya aku mendapatkan Wimpy Kid 3 and ternyata akan sgr beredar Wimpy Kid 4 *can't hardly wait*....