Pisang Ijo

I had a break fasting with my beloved family yesterday. Tired and bored of having kolak as ta'jil, I finally decided to have Pisang Ijo, a special dessert from Makasar, as our ta'jil.

I ordered Pisang Ijo from here, a friend of mine who is very good in cooking all kinds of food. Thank you, Bimala, for the great Pisang Ijo. My family love it and agree to claim that Pisang Ijo will always be our favorite.


Ariza September 15, 2009 at 10:26 AM  

haduh haduh, jadi pengennnnn liat gambarnyaaaaaaaaaaa....

*astagfirullaaah, masi jam setengah 11, heheheh*

riana September 15, 2009 at 2:19 PM  

apalagi kalo nyobain rasanya, uhm....masih terbayang2 deh sedepnya *bikin Icha makin ngiler* ....:D