Cerita Si Lala

Another graphic diary of Sheila Rooswitha Putri. Reminds me of this graphic diary, since both of them are talking about everyday life activities. The difference is Cerita Si Lala is more fun. Perhaps, because the lead character (Lala) is still young and newly wed. She and her hubby are kind of happy go lucky couple. While Curhat Tita is more serious, a story about Tita, a mom with two kids and her life as a lecturer in Bandung. Still..I enjoy all. These simple books make me smile...


sikiky September 1, 2009 at 2:41 PM  

Judul bukunya sama ama URL blog gw ya...coba nama gw Lala...:))

riana September 2, 2009 at 8:15 AM  

perhaps Lala's book title was inspired by your URL blog...:D