Sagarmatha (2013)

Director: Emil Heradi
Writer: Damas Cendekia
Producer: Abdul Manaf
Casts: Nadine Chandrawinata, Ranggani Puspandya

"..semua orang akhirnya akan sendirian."

Sagarmatha takes its name from Nepalese name for Mount Everest. Sagarmatha means "the Head in the Great Blue Sky". This Indonesia latest movie, Sagarmatha, is a road-movie about two best friends, Nadine Chandrawinata (Shilla) and Ranggani Puspandya (Kirana). They have been friends since their years back in college. They both have a dream to go backpacking to Nepal and India and climbing Mount Everest.

In Nepal and India these two best friends explore lots of things. Shilla's passion for writing and Kirana's love towards photography make a good combination until at last they decide to collaborate on a book project in order to document their trip. But also in this trip they both have their friendship tested. Either they both will make it or end it all here. The ending is quite twisted. In fact it changed my feeling towards the movie as a whole. Okay, no spoiler here :)  

I always love a road-trip movie. Some people will consider it is boring since the plot is usually a bit slow. But that's absolutely not a problem for me since I can spoil my eyes to see the beautiful trip along the way and enjoy the conversation. During a trip we might also identify a person real character. It all will show up. You can't hide it. No wonder if people say that having a perfect match for a trip is definitely not an easy thing.

What makes this movie special is of course the setting. India and Nepal are some exotic countries that having too many aspects to adore. Each place is just too good to be true. A picture perfect. Well...I guess this movie is worth to watch to welcome the weekend.

Anak-anak Revolusi

Author: Budiman Sudjatmiko
Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Publication date: October 2013
Pages: 473

Berbagilah dengan orang lain yang kekurangan dan terancam kematian-kematian yang mengerikan, berbagilah dengan mereka bukan cuma makanan dan rumahmu, tapi juga lukisan-lukisan indah mimpimu. Tapi sebelum terlambat, jatuh cintalah jika memang di rasa perlu.

I heard Budiman Sudjatmiko's name during the chaos on July 27, 1996 tragedy. His name was on the newspapers, tv stations, everywhere. He and his party, Partai Rakyat Demokratik (PRD), were accused as the one behind the chaos and all the movement against the government. On April 28, 1997 he finally was sentenced for 13 years in jail.

This book is an intimate memoir that presented a heroic yet romantic story. Some people also consider this book as a 'white book' explaining about the condition during and post Soeharto's era from Budiman's perspective. 

Budiman started  the book with his  horrible childhood experience that kept haunting him for ages. It was a story about his grandpa's neighbor, Mbah Dimin, who committed suicide because feeling hopeless in paying his debt to cruel moneylenders. This moment really had a deep impact to little Budiman. As a boy who has intelligence beyond his age, he had many questions over everything. When he was only 12, he already thought about what kind of future that he must hold. He was still confused. He didn't know who to ask. 

"Aku juga tidak mau menanyakan ini kepada kedua orang tuaku. Bukan karena menyepelekan mereka, tapi paling-paling mereka anjurkan aku sekedar lulus sekolah dan jadi orang kaya yang baik-baik saja. Setelah itu, di ujung hidup kaya yang adem ayem itu aku diharapkan mati tenang karena sakit tua di sebuah ranjang rumah sakit mahal. Apa enaknya coba?"

See....his dangerous  ideas had already been there. Kicking his head. Never stopped. Until finally he realized that politics is his passion. He sticks to that until now. A truly inspiring life journey. Although it's about politics but do not worry this memoir is still easy to enjoy. Budiman's love story that was started during his detention was also one of interesting scene to spot. In fact I can't hardly wait for the sequel of the book (Budiman said in his twitter that it's still being edited) and found out the ending of the story. A must read. 

The Perks of being a Wallflower

Director/ Screenwriter: Stephen Chbosky
Casts: Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Ezra Miller

We don't get to choose where we came from, but we can choose where we go from here.

I have noticed The Perks of being a Wallflower as one of the best novel written by Stephen Chbosky in 1999. The novel was on the New York Times Bestseller list for over a year and published in 31 languages. Unfortunately I just didn't have time to read it (in fact it's still in my wish list to date).

The other day I found the DVD. I watched it and now so very much curious to get the novel. The movie is awesome therefore I can feel that the novel will be a lot more excellent. The author, Stephen Chbosky, also became the writer and director of the movie (a rare think for a novelist) therefore this adaptation was still made in accordance with the plot in the book.  

The story is narrated by a 15-year-old-boy, Charlie. He describes various life experiences through a series of letters to an anonymous stranger. Charlie is the 'wallflower' in the movie. He is intelligent beyond his years yet shy and unpopular. He then tells about his freshman year of high school in Pittsburg suburb during 90s. He finally makes friends with two seniors who introduce him with the 'real' world. The three of them will experiences the ups and downs of the teenage life and it's mostly hard. The movie reminds me of the old movie (but always be my all time favorite) Dead Poets Society, also about teenagers' life. I always feel good when I am around these young people (thank God my job now makes me being with them almost everyday). The way they enjoy life, handle with problem, manage their emotion, etc are always interesting. I've been there, done that but there's always something new to learn.

A highly recommended movie and also novel. One of the best.        

Random Excitement

The purpose of our lives is to be happy.

--Dalai Lama

Today I have a quite hectic teaching schedule. I have to  teach four classes  at two different places from 8am until 7 pm. I know it's not a friendly timetable. Nevertheless I still found happiness sneaked around here and there.  

A Red-Velvet-in-a-jar
During my afternoon break, out of the blue some of my students gave me this cute-red-velvet-in-a-jar. They said it's a thank you souvenir since they have finished their study here and are ready to continue their study abroad. Thanks a lot guys and good luck with your study.

A yummy Kwetiauw Penang at Malay Village
While preparing for my third class at other place and thinking how to beat Jakarta's traffic, suddenly my hubby who just finished a meeting somewhere in Thamrin area offered to pick me up plus to have a yummy lunch together. How can I say no to such a heavenly offer? Thanks, Ayah. 

Arrived at my next teaching venue and found out that one of the teachers there, Ms. Sigit already prepared a special dishes which are roti jala and lamb curry for us. According to Ms. Sigit, the food was made to welcome Islamic New Year. Ms. Sigit is one of senior teacher here. She's 73 but no one will notify that since she's so healthy with a younger look and tons of activities. Cooking always be her things beside sewing. Yes, she's our role model. Hoping that I could be as strong as her while I am 73 later. Thank you for the food, Ibu. Having a full tummy really  made our day. Teaching seems extremely exciting today.Sorry no pic for these special dishes since we're so busy gobbled up everything, hahaha..

People say that happiness is simple. It's here, there and everywhere. It's just a matter of mindset.

Pasar Seni Jakarta

A tote bag never fails to catch my attention!
We finally got the opportunity to visit Pasar Seni Jakarta on its last day. This routine program usually was held in Bandung but this year the organizer, ITB Alumni made it at Parkir Timur Senayan from  November 3-5, 2013.  As an art market, this program is full of awesome art activities, i.e.  art performance, painting exhibition, several unique constructions, activities for kids, and also lots of booths that provide many different products, etc.But perhaps since this is the first time, it seemed  that the visitors were not so many. I don't know either it's lack of promotion or it's a long weekend for some people and they prefer to go out of town.  

A unique bamboo ship
It's a free canvas, anyone can draw anything here
Since we don't have this kind of special program very often in Jakarta therefore I am so eager to take my girls there. Najla as I expected was super excited. With great enthusiasm she tried everything such as painting, climbing in the bamboo construction, taking pictures with many characters, seeing a bit here and there back and forth. While Zea as a book freak, had some complaints such as, "why is it so hot here, mom?" or "can I buy some more drinks?", or "when will we go to the book fair?" Yes, there's also a book fair in Senayan area today.

Fortunately the high spirit of Najla that kept asking her sister to join her finally worked. It's true, enthusiasm is contagious. They both finally were having so much fun.

A five-minute-sketch
A five-minute-silhouette
Before we left home, Najla asked me to drop by at a silhouette booth, she's curious to have her own silhouette while Zea was excited to have a five-minute-sketch by a very talented painter from Ubud. We ended the day with Betawi cuisine such as kerak telor and  es selendang mayang plus a cup of ice cream Gentong and not to forget several bottles of plain water. Yep, we're quite thirsty down there. Nevertheless it's one of our best day ever. Looking forward for more events like this.