A Little Girl who Falls in Love with Fancy Cookies

My girl, Najla, is a huge fan of cemilan. She loves cookies and all kinds of pastries. Last week she suddenly told me that she desperately wanted to munch fancy cookies. I asked our usual baker, unfortunately she could not fulfill our request:(

I thought Najla already forgot about this sudden request. But..I was wrong. She continued saying that the urge to eat the cookies was so unbearable *drama* and asked me to please..please find other baker who has fancy cookies as she wish.

Thanks to the internet. As a mom who has poor cooking skill, all I can do are to open my laptop and browse here and there. Finally I found this blog. After e-mailing each other, the baker, mbak Ochie, promised me to send the cookies on Monday. Najla was super excited.

Last night the cookies arrived at 8 pm. Actually it's already Najla sleep time but she asked an exception, "Ma, aku boleh cobain kukisnya nggak? Satu aja?" Well...okay sweety, I know exactly how it feels to have a dream comes true. I also knew for sure that Najla slept with a big smile last night:)