Illustrator: Ella Elviana
Publisher: Penerbit Buah Hati
1st published on August 2011
226 pages
The newest children story book written by Clara Ng. A big book with great stories and beautiful illustration. You will find 52 different stories about a blue building located at the edge of a windy cliff. This building has two functions, as a school for 13 students and at night it changes into a rest area for a cow.
The book divides the story into 52 weeks which means you will know what going on there in Sekolah Tebing within a year. Here we go, let's start our adventure. The stories are not only telling about the 13 students and their teacher but also about all living things in the surrounding, such as: the butterflies, the cow, the rat, the flowers, the baby, and many more. Moreover there are also lovely songs and poems. I guess this book is one of the best children book ever. Love it.
I read two stories every night before Najla & Zea go to bed, now we are still in the 15th week story and we enjoy it a lot, we just can't hardly wait to finish all the 52 stories very soon:)
ah has been in my wish list...
clara ng dateng ke ubud fest awal oct kmrn dan bikin wiritng workshop dgn anak2 usia sd dengan memakai buku ini, sayang aku gak bs dateng ke sesi ini.
jd mantep pengen koleksi dan baca..
for 52 stories, kayaknya 226 halaman agak tipis ya mba? tapi pas banget jadi setahun buat bacain ke anak-anak :)
@Mei: Selalu mimpi untuk datang ke Ubud Writers Festival tapi belum juga kesampaian:(
@Ana:Iya... tiap cerita cuma 3-4 halaman, paslah buat anak2, mereka bisa meresapi tiap2 cerita & menikmati illustrasinya. Lagipula buat anak2 buku ini termasuk berat, sulit digenggam karena ukurannya besar & hard cover.
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