Publisher: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Publication date:2012
A traveler without observation is a bird without wings
--Moslih Eddin Saadi--
Do you have a plan to have your own traveling without joining a tour group? Do not worry, just read this book carefully and you will have a complete info about how to travel by yourself. This book is divided into two sections, the first part talking about the preparation before we explore certain countries, such as: how to buy a plane ticket, how to book a hotel, how to apply for a passport or visa, what to bring, etc. While the second book tells about the review of 30 destinations in South East Asia, i.e. where to go in Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, etc.
Unlike other travel authors who tell about their experiences while visiting some countries, this book focuses more on the tips and info about traveling. A useful book for travelers. More info about the author and his traveling's experiences, check his website here.
Unlike other travel authors who tell about their experiences while visiting some countries, this book focuses more on the tips and info about traveling. A useful book for travelers. More info about the author and his traveling's experiences, check his website here.
kalo sama buku-buku travelling lainnya bagusan mana mbak? misalnya naked traveller ato yg karangan mbak kaunang, soalnya aku baca blognya kok kurang informatif ya, singkat banget
@gerandis: kalau buku2 traveling lain kebanyakan cerita ttg pengalaman penulisnya di suatu tempat secara detail, kalau buku ini lebih spt buku pedoman buat jalan2, apa yg hrs dipersiapkan & tempat2 mana saja yg layak dikunjungi di asia tenggara, menurutku cukup informatif & akan terpakai terus tiap kali aku mau jalan2:)
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