I spent the last four days in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi. At the time I arrived there I suddenly felt like I was transferred back by a time machine to the year of the 80s. All is old. The airport, the road, the building, the way the people dress, the interior design of the hotel, all is vintage.
With millions of motorcycles on every road and since they drive them like crazy, I guess it really needs big courage to just cross the road. Finding halal food is also another challenge. Nevertheless I just had a good time there. Beside enjoying the beautiful park, the peaceful lake, the legendary Halong Bay, the cheap price of everything there, I just found out that almost every place is exotic. Perhaps the vintage ambience that cause that feeling. No wonder Hanoi declares its city as 'the city of peace'.
With millions of motorcycles on every road and since they drive them like crazy, I guess it really needs big courage to just cross the road. Finding halal food is also another challenge. Nevertheless I just had a good time there. Beside enjoying the beautiful park, the peaceful lake, the legendary Halong Bay, the cheap price of everything there, I just found out that almost every place is exotic. Perhaps the vintage ambience that cause that feeling. No wonder Hanoi declares its city as 'the city of peace'.
senangnya yg jalan2...*iridotkom
ditunggu ole2nya ya...harap kabari segera setelah kembali ke tanah air #lebay, hehehehe
@Rina: heiii...yuk ikutan jalan2, next trip ya..oleh2 udah siap nih, kapan kita kencan? :)
eh ternyata cantik juga ya vietnam, itu yg jualan bunga beneran bunga segar? lucu amat
@gerandis: vietnam memang cantik apalagi buat kamu yg hobi motret, tiap sudut eksotis. iya itu bunga beneran, tiap pagi byk penjual bunga segar berseliweran naik sepeda. ke sana deh, ga akan nyesel, biaya hidup juga murah:)
foto halong bay (?) nya magis banget...
@mei: terlihat magis ya? mungkin pengaruh kabut, pas kami ke sana kabutnya sempat tebal, nyaris kami tdk mendapat izin berlayar ke sana, untung akhirnya sang kabut pelan2 menghilang...
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